Friday 1 January 2010

Analysing Magazine Covers

Q is a music magazine aimed at men aged 24-44. The name of the magazine was changed from its original name ‘Cue’, it was changed to avoid confusion; it could be mistaken for a snooker magazine. The single letter title and it’s position on the page makes the magazine more noticeable on the newsstands among the others. The colours, red and white, have been used and appeals to an English readership as these are the colours of the English flag. Red is also a great background colour as it brings the text to the foreground. As it is being used as an accent colour, it stimulates people to make quick decisions, hopefully people would want to buy it. The formal font of the letter also gives an impression of the importance and elegance of the magazine and its readers. The background colour, black, denotes strength and authority. It is a mysterious colour associated with fear and the unknown like black holes. This magazine clearly caters to a range of different genres of music and not just one, as the puffs are promoting acts such as the white stripes, U2, Paul Weller and 50 Cent, this shows that they are hoping to target much more people than just one specific type. The buzz word ‘best’ used in ‘The 10 Best New Acts’ attracts readers as it gives the impression of the magazine as having and being the best. Using up-and-coming artists also helps to sell the magazine as people want to be the first to know about a new artist or band.

The person on the front cover is the female music artist, Cheryl Cole and so she is the focus of the main article. The anchorage text exclaims ‘3 Words… Cheryl Cole Rocks’ this is a reference to her debut album entitled ‘3 Words’. Although she has been famous as being part of girl band Girls Aloud she has recently rose to stardom since being a judge on the X Factor. She has just recently released her first solo album and was voted most inspiration woman of the decade, sexiest woman in the world and best dressed woman and style icon of the decade. She has been placed on the cover for all of these reasons, clearly she will draw both men and women to the magazine. Men want to be with her and woman want to be like her. ‘Q’ have tried to isolate Cheryl from her girl band image and make her out to be some sort of ‘rockstar’ with her new image and the anchorage text. The image on the whole is an intertextual reference to the movie Sin City. This makes the usual readers of Q feel more comfortable with a reference that they are aware of and don't feel alienated by the popstar on the cover.

She is using a direct mode of address, creating an instant bond with the reader and drawing them into the magazine. She is matching the colour scheme, wearing a black jacket, heavy black eye make-up and red lips. The colour red can be used to evoke erotic feelings and so her lips draw the male audience in. Her eye make-up is heavy and dark giving her a mysterious look, intriguing the reader, also the darkness makes her eyes stand out and instantly create a bond with the reader with eye-contact. She has a ring on her left hand, it is sharp and silver, she’s holding it against her lips and her tongue is touching it. This look is suppose to look sexual and intends to attract a male audience however, women would also be attracted to this cover because they want to emulate Cheryl, a popular artist. The photograph is set in rain and her hair and coat are wet.

Right at the top of the page above the title, is a sell line exclaiming 'The UK's Biggest Music Magazine', this could be a lie but customers are inclined to believe it and want to buy the magazine. They are also trying to maintain their regular customers as they will think that Q magazine is still the best. It is cleverly positioned at the top in clear bold writing so it is easy to spot on the stalls. The colours black, white and red are used on this cover showing Cheryl in a confident and sexual position. All colours contrast well and make the magazine effectivley stand out from others. The layout of the cover is clear and simple so the puffs and main stories are easy to read also the fonts are readable. Q is obviously a very confident magazine as they do not try to attract readers with the use of freebies but with their articles and celebrities.

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