Friday 1 January 2010

Contents Page Analysis

There is a large picture which dominates the contents page, it is of the band Blur. They are pictures at a premier and look very united with their arms around each other and smiles. This instantly puts the readers at ease and makes them feel comfortable as the mood set is of a friendly one. This would appeal to the target audience of males aged 16-24 as the relaxed atmosphere would be more accessible to them. The band are not looking directly into the camera and this makes them look more like ordinary people and so the consumers can easily relate to them, because a direct mode of address is not being used it doesn't make the image look forced or fake, it is showing them as normal human beings. There is only one other image used on the page which is very small compared to the main image. It is of a January cover of NME this just promotes the magazine and they have also included their contact information and how to subscribe next to the picture.

The colours used on the contents are the same as those on the front cover, black, red and white this makes the magazine consistent and creates a house style. It makes the magazine look more professional. The fonts are plain and the layout is clear, this avoids any confusion and just provides easy and simple information for the reader.

The page information is placed on the far left, right down the side of the page they are just there for information purposes and aren't made to look pretty. The main attraction on the page is the massive photo in the middle. The pages are sorted in an alphabetical order so the reader can simply look up the things they are interested in, this is interesting as conventional magazines usually place the contents in page order.

Placed underneath the photo, there is a special offer for the costumers, they are trying to persuade people to subscribe to the magazine for a discount. This is a great selling line as people love to get deals and bargains. Right at the top there is a NME logo, it is very small and shows that they do not need to place huge exaggerated logos of themselves as the reader already knows what magazine they are reading.

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