Friday 1 January 2010

Questionnaire Results

The information I collected from the questionnaire returned some results that could help in the construction of the magazine. I gave the questionnaire out to 15 people that could be the potential audience.

From this result, it is clear that posters is the most popular choice and they will definitely be included in the magazine. However, photshoots, interviews and competitions have all got an equally high percentage of the result and these could also be included in the magazine. Reviews and events were unpopular and album information especially as it recieved no votes.

I am obviously going to have the magazine price between the range of £2 - £2.99 as it has over half of the whole result. This seems to be a reasonable price for both the customer and the company. If this is how much the cutomers are willing to pay then it will not sell at a higher price.

It is clear from the pie chart that the magazine should be released every month, it has the majority of votes. This gives plenty of time to create the magazine each month and will be satisying for the cutomers as it will be full of quality.

The results from this pie chart are very close, newspaper-like has a slightly bigger percentage by 4%. So as the result is close I sill haven't decided how the magazine will be.

The result with the highest percentage is blues, greens and purples. These are cool colours compared to the warms colours. I think this will comply with the genre of House music.

All of the results in this pie chart are almost equal, the one being slightly higher is giveaways. These are all popular among potential customers and will be considered when making my magazsine.

Mosf people prefer familiar artists to up-coming artists but I will keep in mind that the results are close and feature both, though familiar ones will be more prominent.

It seems that the target audience would rather read articles that feature images heavily rather than in-depth, detailed articles. So i will tryto keep articles at a minimum of words and include a vairety of images.

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